Embodied Imagination® Australia Training Team

Robert Bosnak is a Jungian psychoanalyst who graduated from the C.G.Jung Institute in Zurich in 1977. He developed the Embodied Imagination® method that is being applied by practitioners worldwide in therapeutic and creative endeavours. He has trained psychotherapists worldwide and worked with actors, directors and artists.

Past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams.

Visiting Professor in Clinical Psychology at Kyoto University and guest lecturer Guangzhou Normal University, China and on the Faculty of the Psychiatry Department State University of New York Upstate Medical University. Robert is a Core Faculty Member at Jung Platform.

Robert has written several books, translated into a dozen languages. Among other writings: A Little Course in Dreams; Dreaming with an AIDS Patient; Tracks in the Wilderness of Dreaming; Embodiment.

He was a founding director of the Santa Barbara Healing Sanctuary, a revival of the Asclepian healing traditions at the inception of Western medicine. It is an integrative residential program based on the healing power of dreaming.

Robert is co-founder of Attune Media Labs, producing empathic artificial emotional intelligence as virtual companions.

Michelle Morris, MA Transpersonal Psychology, Diploma of Family Therapy and Embodiment Therapist has worked clinically with adults, adolescents and children for over 30 years. She has a private practice in Melbourne, incorporating imagery processes of Embodied Imagination®, Jungian Sandplay Therapy, creative expression as well as Mindfulness-based therapy.

Michelle became fascinated with the Embodied Imagination® (EI) method when she attended a workshop with Robert Bosnak in the early 1990s. She graduated from the 3-year Sydney based EI training in 2012.

Currently she enjoys co-facilitating one of the cyberdreamwork groups.

Michelle has extensive experience in training postgraduate psychology students in China in this method. She is co-author of a chapter on Embodied Imagination® in Psychotherapy and Counselling: Reflections on Practice.

Since 2015 she has been part of the Australian Embodied Imagination® training team. She now leads the training with Robert Bosnak.

Jennifer Hume graduated from the Sydney based Embodied Imagination course in 2012. Since then, she has worked with groups and individuals using Embodied Imagination® working on memories, dreams, chronic illness and acute postoperative conditions. She has given EI presentations and workshops to both the Canberra and Melbourne Jung societies as well as Masters of Counselling students at the University of Canberra.

 She was a trainer in the three-year Australian Embodied Imagination® Course, organising, providing professional supervision and therapy to trainees. These days she has retired from the training role but continues to offer supervision to trainees and on request to EI graduates.

Currently she is the Member Liaison officer on the Board of the International Society of Embodied Imagination® communicating with members and others about ISEI events. She also facilitates online Café sessions for the Australasia area.

Jennifer’s interest in, dedication to and passion for the work of Embodied Imagination® is longstanding and enduring. Her continuing vision is to bring together EI therapists and practitioners around the world to share experiences, ideas and innovations of the work.

Carole Viney is a Jungian analyst (ANZSJA) and an Embodied Imagination® Therapist. She has been working in private practice in Melbourne for over thirty years. 

Carole has a particular interest in the world of the imagination and dreams, and this has led her to complete the Embodied Imagination® training in 2019. 

She now brings the richness of this embodied dreaming method together with her experience of participating in dream groups to both her clinical work and her co-facilitation of an international dream group.

Carole also has an extensive background in teaching many different forms of body awareness and movement. She takes her lifelong interest in the relationship between mind and body (psyche/soma) as an invitation to participate in the mystery and creativity of a fully embodied immersion in the moment-by-moment unfolding of the wisdom of the dream and its images.

Daniel Gleeson spent many years working in the field of Fitter and Turning – as a Toolmaker. He then moved into the world of mechanical fitting, taking up the role of planner and supervisor within maintenance.

 His interest in holistic health led to training in Remedial Massage and Kinesiology. He has had a small private practice in these fields over the years. His long-standing interest in dreams & Jungian Psychology, which began in the early 1990’s, has continue to grow with deep personnel and professional exploration. Recently he completed the three-year training in Embodied Imagination®.

Daniel is involved in the EI community and currently assisting with the upcoming training. He is enthusiastic about using this method with individuals and facilitating a dream group. Daniel has a keen interest in art and sculpture and working with individuals using dreams and EI, centred around creativity and art making.